Crystal Bed Sessions
During the crystal bed session, you will lie on a comfortable massage table with seven clear, polished Vogel crystals suspended and secured approximately 12 inches above you. Each crystal uniquely directs a perfect amount and pattern of colored light, corresponding to the seven primary chakras, bathing you in healing energetic frequencies. Vogel crystals are healing and meditative quartz crystals cut and designed to effectively channel Universal Life Force energy; they were created by Marcel Vogel, a scientist who worked for IBM and completed extensive research with Luminescence.
Why do we need a Crystal Bed Healing Session?
As human beings on this Earth, we are always absorbing energy from other people and the world around us. When we are weighed down energetically, our flow is blocked and life can become hard & stagnate. Negative energy and energy blocks manifest as high anxiety, inability to sleep, feeling lost, no joy, life just seems to be so hard and your blocked from all creativity and prosperity.
In this healing session, I combine the healing modalities of the Crystal Bed with White Time Healing, The Boards of Knowledge & Angelic Healing with GemStones while channeling the Divine Beings of Light. These sessions are the most powerful tools I’ve discovered to break through negative energy and to help people awaken to their fullest potential. Awakening to all the magic this life has available to them by raising their frequency. Awakening to better creative flow, more mental clarity, less stress and creating more joy in life.
The ability to remove the blocks and create the life you dream of!
What Will I Experience In My Session?
Each person may experience something different during his/her session, and each session can be a different experience. Here is a sample of what people have experienced with crystal bed sessions: hot or cold sensations, light pressure, clairvoyance, the feeling of being touched, release of emotions, sense of peace, expansion of kundalini energy, past life awareness and integration, release of unforgiveness, tingling or other bodily sensations, sacred heart opening, the feeling of being unconditionally loved–a deep knowing you’re not alone, increased intuitive abilities, and higher states of consciousness.
How Do I Prepare for My Session?
♥ Wear white or light-colored clothing—no black or red.
♥ Set a clear intention to heal anything physical, mental, spiritual and/or emotional in your life.
♥ Be willing to be present with what is by letting go of any attachment to “how the session should look or feel.”
What Do I Need to Do After My Session?
♥ Offer yourself a generous follow-up of rest, integration, quiet and ease: nothing too strenuous for 24-72 hours.
♥ Increase hydration: Drink extra water or decaffeinated tea—the cleansing and clearing can be very detoxifying.
♥ Journal your experience as soon as possible after your session—remembering and handwriting bring more awareness of the experience into your consciousness; you may remember different aspects of the crystal bed session while writing that you weren’t initially consciously aware of.
♥ Pay attention to your own intuitive insights that will direct you to deepen your healing opportunity, you may become aware of a needed dietary change, guidance to shift physical activity, clarity with a decision, increased understanding within your relationships, or the ability to honor the next needed step along your path bringing more fulfillment within and purpose.
How Often Are Sessions Recommended?
The number of crystal bed sessions is often dependent on your health and intentions. They recommend starting with biweekly appointments for the first 4 appointments to raise your frequency. After the initial appointments, it is recommended regular energy clearings and healing every 4 to 6 weeks. If someone is ill or working through a crisis it is recommended biweekly.
Clearing your energy is like taking a shower or taking your car in for a tune up: regular maintenance is required to hold on to those higher vibrational states. Bringing you back into balance and connection to your divine essence.
We honor the FDA laws and regulations here in the United States (“no thing or no one can actually heal another person”). We are not medical doctors. Crystal bed sessions and intuitive guidance are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice or treatment from a physician. Each person should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Our intentions are only to offer information of a general nature to help each client in his/her quest for holistic well-being. We believe that working with the crystal bed activates the individual’s ability to heal from the inside out. We are not saying We heal—God/Spirit heals. In the event the client uses any of the information received during a session, which is his/her constitutional and individual right, we assume no responsibility for the client’s actions or results, and we encourage clients to seek their own trusted medical professional, regarding any changes to their current health regimen.