Universal White Time Healing
Universal White Time Healing is an ancient universal healing art. This is the type of healing that is utilized while on our Crystal Bed. It gives us the possibility to work with a healing that is targeting the problem through time and space. A healing that is individually searching for the problem, finding the need, wherever that might be, inside or outside of the person, animal, plant or situation that you choose to heal. This healing can both heal, relax and affect, for example, the environment in a positive way, if that has had a negative influence on the client’s health or life.
The Universal White Time healing goes in and reaches the deepest vibration, on the physical plane, our atomic level. But it’s also working on the most subtle of the thoughts, emotions and dreams, creating the smartest ways of solving problems, inspiring new ideas and increasing positive experiences. So the healing can balance everything both physical and psychological, but even on the emotional plane. The philosophy behind Universal White Time Healing says that the body is like a musical instrument that is supposed to create the finest of the vibrations, tones. But when the body is feeling sick, the instrument plays out of tune. Because Universal White Time Healing goes so deep in, it can tune the body to the right tone again. Attuned for a healthy and happy life. This part and the experience of Universal White Time Healing is something that the healers themselves experience when working with the healing, their lives becomes more light and filled with harmony. Then the healing becomes a way of life and everyone working with it just loves the feeling of healing themselves and everything and everyone they know.
This healing art is completely different from other forms of healing, partly through its unique origin, but also through its ability to reach the deepest laying problems without limit for time. Because White Time means that you work simultaneously with all the time in one unite, past, present, and future flow together and it can also be said that it is also possible to work parallel to the Normal time. This is because White Time is its own unique Quality. White Time also means that all colors are present within the healing process and that is very positive for the body. The philosophy says that when the body doesn’t feel ok, its not only a lack of tones that is a problem but also lack of colors. Universal white Time healing is open for everyone, both young and old, and of any background or belief. Because the future and tomorrow is what is important, not what is left behind. A person doesn’t need to understand spirituality before, and you don’t need to seek something afterward. No one has to change because it is ok to be who you are. The only side effect we have with this healing is that most of the people who receive or work with universal White Time Healing become happier afterwards. The healing art is Universal and the healer who gives it does not only has received healing hands through the class teachings but does a more open and wider understanding of spirituality. Universal White Time Healing opens up the door. The question is ” Are you prepared to walk through that door?”